miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

My classmates summer

Berta- She went to Irelad for 2 weeks in a falmily.
She also went to venice. She visited a lot of places in Venice.

Abril- She went to London. Her favourite place of londos is the london eye.
She trained 6 hours a day.

Andreu- He didn't enjoy the visit to Sagrada Familia. He celebrated his birthday with his family. 

Marc- He went to Sagaro with his parents. He played to mingolf.

Arnau- He made a lot of friends. He went to the beach.

Sergi- He went to a summer camp to learn english. He went to Istanbul. 

Observation of my oral presentation

Did you look at your audience most of the time ? Yes
Did you read from your notes ? Yes, just a bit.
Did you organize your ideas in order of importance ? Yes
Dis you use discourse markers tom make your ides more clear ? Yes
Which ones ? First, then and finally.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? Detailed and orginal.
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes
Did you use fillers? No
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone all the time? I used a monotone voice.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions ? Breaks and interruptions.

You are your teacher! What mark did you get ? I think a 6,5.

In the presentation I was very nervous, next time I should be more relaxed.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

My Last Summer

Hi, I'm Quim and today I will talk about my trip to Lanzarote a volcanic island in the Atlantic!

First we took a plane to the island and then we rented a car. After that we went to our hotel and then to the beach. The next day we went to the Timanfaya, a place where you can take a bus and do a tour by the volcanoes, also you can how a guy puts water into a hole, and then the water evaporates very quickly because of the heat of  the ground. After that we went to La Cueva de los Verdes, an amazing place where you can see caves that are made of lava. It was an amazing experience and I will never forget that. We went to a hidden beach and also to a lot of beautiful places.
I learned a lot about volcanoes.

Then I came back to Banyoles. Here I played a lot with my friends.